Welcome To PEP Africa International “Sharing Skills, Changing Lives”

Youth Engagement

We are engaging youth in in-school and out of school communities to design and implement small green initiatives, increase their knowledge of forests and all their values, and deepen their understanding of the environment as an expression of Lean About the Forest (LEAF).

LEAF core values of community = sustainability and education.

LEAF is committed to playing a vital leadership role to facilitate change in local Chillan communities and participants by educating them about forest issues and teaching sustainable agriculture and ecological practices that include green enterprises, forests, land use, etc. LEAF is also about supporting and engaging in an active process of developing greater environmental awareness through collaborative teaching, learning-going, community dialogue, and a healthy lifestyle and at the same time, promoting a vibrant, interconnected, resilient, and joyful community through offering alternatives to existing non-sustainable practices and honoring diversity. LEAF aims to have created 2000 ‘agents4change in Chile by actively involving several youths in in-depth life skill programs, documenting small school and community projects geared towards Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) activities. The project inspires and stimulates activities to engaging pilot schools and communities in doing something concrete and further support the schools and community leaders. It also provides teacher materials and an online and offline platform to help classes brainstorm and plan their project ideas, document their progress in a safe online environment, and discover great projects others are doing. LEAF consists of four steps: inspire, educate, activate, and celebrate.

LEAF is about becoming an agent4change to mobilize others, and then you can convince and involve your peers. LEAF seeks to create a movement of schools and teachers who want to support their students in dreaming and doing and encourage schools to join in celebrating World Environment Day (every June 5). it will offer young people an occasion to express their response to forest use in a creative way. They will be reminding world leaders to respect the commitment of UNFCCC and keep their promises in COPs, REDDs, and REDDs+, culminating as a call to action.
LEAF is also greatly concerned about the links between traditional knowledge, cultural diversity, and intellectual property rights through the Rights-Base Approach education. The 1996 WCC passed Resolution 1.50 on “Indigenous Peoples, Intellectual Property Rights, and Biological Diversity” that called for respect for cultural diversity, including linguistic diversity, as an essential condition to maintain and protect indigenous knowledge.

Life Skills Program for Young Adults

We help struggling young adults with independent living skills and life skills training. PEP Africa’s training program includes thorough and detailed education assistance services to help our interns succeed and thrive in the adult world. We know that many young people, including your child, are talented, intelligent, and gifted. We offer unique hands-on life -skills training on embroidering, woodwork, plumbing, auto-mechanics, sawing, bricklaying, pestering, theatre performing arts, sculptures, painting, fine arts, Fashion Design, hairdressing, weaving, photography, fashion design, performing arts, cinematography, Sports, and wellness, etc. It also offers opportunities to learn new techniques with technological tools and develop sustainable skills. It focuses on assisting youths in the areas of job readiness and wellness. We promote creativity in the lives of young people. Young people try new ideas by initiating and setting up projects. Our artmaking invokes both expression and intellectual inquiry that positively engages participants and creates spaces where a wide range of experiences and perspectives can become communal.

However, we often see that bright and gifted young adults will experience great struggles upon entering the “real world.” This struggle is the primary reason PEP Africa developed many vocational training programs for young adults – Including vocational training for students with disabilities.

“This type of training works because “smart” and “gifted” don’t always equate to success in the real world. Also, personal money management training is part of ATC’s curriculum.”

We have found that when a young adult is confident with their understanding of banking, budgeting, and saving coupled with proper financial habits, they will make tremendous strides in their journey toward independence.

PEP Africa is a residential transitional living service for young adults between the ages of 18 and 26. The program provides young adults with the support they need to become knowledgeable and self-sufficient. Through therapy, hands-on experience, educational assistance, employment opportunities, relationship repair, and healthy living, PEP Africa gives young men and women the tools necessary to succeed.

The bottom line: Our goal is to help young people navigate out of their teenage years and into a world of accountability and responsibility.

PEP Africa is a Transitional Living Program built for long-term fulfillment. We believe in pursuing excellence, embracing change, acting with integrity, and serving others. Everyone has the potential to live their best life – our job is to help you get there. Assisting young adults to transition into life, call us Today.

Independent Living & Life Skills Training
PEP Africa provides vocational training and occupational skills training for virtually any young adult between 18 and 26. We know that job searching and resume building can be intimidating and challenging for those with little experience in these fields.

This understanding of struggling young men sets PEP Africa apart from all other young adults’ transitional living programs.

Specifically, volunteers provide several types of vocational training, expert resume building, occupational preparation and imparts expert job searching techniques. PEP Africa also provides aid to students with various learning and intellectual disabilities.

Study Opportunity

We offer services and aid youths with little or no opportunities to develop essential educational enrichment skills, leadership, health, and wellness. We facilitate admission into learning institutions, get study grants, writing scholarship applications and academic recommendations.

Our Study abroad is a game-changer for students. Many agree it is the best decision of their lives. It can affect the course of your entire life, but even if your path remains the same, the global perspective you gain is invaluable.If you are reading this, you are probably the type of person who wants to travel the world and have new adventures. You are open to a change of pace and maybe want to master another language. Even if you feel shy sometimes, you know the right environment can bring you out of your shell.

Can you imagine going to school during the week and exploring a whole new country on the weekend? That could be your life or at least one semester of it!

Study abroad is about stepping out of your comfort zone, embracing a new culture and way of life, and coming home with unforgettable memories — all while not missing a beat with your school requirements or plans to graduate. Studying abroad is one of the most powerful ways to advance academically, improve your resume, and connect with the world (and yourself) on a deeper level. Here you will find everything you need to know to start your Study abroad journey.

The truth about costs: The cost associated with Study abroad is an essential factor in deciding whether to go overseas. Luckily, times are changing, and Study abroad is no longer exclusive to the elite class. If you are not looking for transferable credits, some programs do not require you to enroll in a university at home to take an international course.

Scholarships and grants: Thanks to resources on the Internet and program databases like Go Overseas, more students are learning about the benefits of Study abroad and finding financial support along the way. So, do not let the idea of Study abroad make your pockets cringe; take advantage of the many need-based and merit-based grants and scholarships available for study-abroad students.

Climate Change

Policy Formulation and Participation:
We ensure youth participation in policy formulation and development through; participation in nominative deliberations that puts young people at the center of the U.N. plan at communal, regional, and international consultation.

Over the years, PEP Africa has fostered increasing youth participation in YOUNGO, UNEP, and UNFCCC, focusing on sharing knowledge on key climate change issues, providing a platform for youth to propose ideas on climate action and research, and supporting youth to develop and improve project proposals through capacity-building and networking under four thematic areas: Climate Change and Disaster Risk, Biodiversity, Oceans, and Coastal Ecosystems, and Sustainable Food Systems.

We provide a platform for young climate activists, leaders, and stakeholders to discuss issues and how forward for climate change action and ongoing national and international climate discussions. We also organize live sessions on climate action, human rights, and sustainable development goals.

PEP Africa is part of the Youth4Climate Action Project (Y4CAP), which helps combat climate change. Y4CAP is also well known for supporting the 17 sustainable development goals for a better future. Similarly, Y4CAP is a network that consists of members from all over the globe and promotes ways to combat climate change, and provides information to the audience about climate change, human rights, and sustainable development goals to improve the standard of living. YACAP helps people understand and address the impact of global warming, increases “climate literacy” among young people, encourages changes in their attitudes and behavior, and helps them adapt to climate change-related trends.

The aim is to raise the youth’s voice and increase the participant’s knowledge about environmental issues.