Our focus has been on Africa, America, Canada, and Europe. In each Country, we identify small districts densely populated with young people of the lower strata. The selection deliberately considers the community history, geo-location, and socio-economic situation how it disproportionately affects young people and makes them vulnerable.
PEP Africa (Virginia) 7216 St Lucia Ct. Manassas, VA 22109, USA
PEP Africa (Belgium) Drietorekensstraat 6, 9000 Gent, Belgium
PEP Africa HQ (Cameroon) Pressbook Building, Flee Market Entrance 2nd Nambeke Street, Half-Mile BP 254 Limbe, SWR-Cameroon
PEP Africa (Houston) 14855 Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 77070, USA
PEP Africa (Illinois) 3827 Munson Ct Plano, IL 60545, USA