Welcome To PEP Africa International “Sharing Skills, Changing Lives”

Joining Process Requirements For A Volunteer


¿Tiene una habilidad empresarial específica que le gustaría compartir con nuestros jóvenes? Quizás tienes un tema de liderazgo o comunicación que te apasiona. o una lección de habilidades para la vida que usted cree que es importante que conozcan. Si alguno de estos es cierto para usted, lo invitamos a unirse a nuestro programa de colocación de voluntarios.

Volunteer Registration

    Any special talents or skills you have that you feel would benefit our organization?

    Please tell us in which areas you are interested in volunteering. (Do NOT Select more than 3)


    Please indicate days available: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Times available:

    I agree that as a volunteer of PEP Africa, I agree to abide by the policies and procedures. I understand that I will be volunteering at my own risk and that the organization, its employees, and affiliates cannot assume any responsibility for any liability for any accident, injury, or health problem that may arise from any volunteer work I perform organization. I agree that all my work is on a volunteer basis, and I am not eligible to receive any monetary payment or reward.
    I agree that PEP Africa may use my personal information to communicate with me about the Organisation and programs I may find interesting, to personalize my experience on her websites, conduct academic/charitable research, and share my data with trusted organizations affiliates. Please review our which provides info on how we use and process your data.

    (English) PEP Africa accepts volunteers from different backgrounds with varying skills and experiences. We accept up to two volunteers per Country. As our working languages are English or French, volunteers must possess advanced listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. PEP Africa recognizes the contribution and crucial perspectives that individuals from marginalized communities bring to our team. People including, but not limited to, those from the following groups are encouraged to apply: Indigenous peoples, women, mothers, single parents, immigrants, protected persons and refugees, people of color, lesbian, bisexual, gay, two-spirit, transgender, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, non-binary, agender, genderqueer, and questioning people, intersex people, people living with disabilities, and those marginalized based on class, caste, and HIV status. PEP Africa is committed to recruiting a diverse cohort of interns/volunteers and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.

    (English) PEP Africa is a pro-youth organization and, as such, relies on active volunteerism. We require that all volunteers check and respond to emails at least a few times each week, take on specific tasks and contribute substantially to discussions and organizational decisions. The continuation of volunteerism depends on the satisfactory fulfillment of these roles, and volunteers are required to apply for renewal as needs are.

    (English) As PEP Africa relies on active volunteerism volunteering, volunteers must devote a minimum of 10-15 hours per week to PEP Africa activities, which includes responding to emails, contributing to online discussions, and taking part in our planned activities. Please note that most of our work is done virtually and occurs via an interactive online platform called Slack and through email and Skype.

    (English) Overall, the work of a volunteer focuses on advocacy at community, national and international levels. Specifically, volunteers attend workshops, conferences, and meetings to advocate for youth sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR), promote education for sustainable development (ESDs), and community-driven development activities. We also develop advocacy strategies, create publications, and organize training on specific issues such as youth rights and youth development.

    (English) Please note that we are committed to diversity and only accept a small number of individuals for volunteerism each year. If you have any questions about the volunteering process, contact us at volunteer@backup.pepafrica.org If you are a qualified candidate with a disability, please contact us at interns@backup.pepafrica.org. If you require reasonable accommodation during your stay abroad, apply here form.

    (English) PEP Africa may provide interns/volunteers with a stipend and reimbursements for a portion of the expenses causally related to their internship. Please note PEP Africa will NOT provide relocation or housing assistance. Our yearly internship/volunteer runs from May to August. For students in the quarter system, the internship will run from June to September. Interns will be required to work 40 hours a week in any of our offices or project site.

    (English) The application opened in January and will close in February. We will not accept late applications.

    Help Other People We Dream to Create A Bright Future Of The Underprivileged Children

    (English) Volunteer code of conduct

    (English) Persons engaged in volunteer activities with PEP Africa are called to high ethical conduct standards and personal integrity. Power and authority are inherent in your role as a volunteer because the men you serve look at you as the expert or the person who has «got it all together» — they want to emulate YOU! PEP operates in many countries and works with culturally diverse youths serves. PEP operates under the auspices of government regulations, and as such, our volunteers are subject to Standard Operating Practices (SOPs) and restrictions. Volunteers who wish to engage with the community must receive training or briefing on our SOPs. To learn more about our SOPs and rules of conduct for volunteers, please read our SOPs and the section for volunteers at (the «Volunteer Handbook»).



    • An overarching rule for trained volunteers is «volunteers shall not form a non-professional, personal or emotional relationship with an of our beneficiaries.» Suppose a non-professional, personal or emotional relationship develops. In that case, it is your responsibility as a volunteer to report the relationship to PEP’s management and withdraw from your role as a PEP volunteer. It also includes removing from all PEP volunteer activities both inside and outside of the prison.
    • PEP Africa views the role of a volunteer as providing «programs and services to assist with the agency’s mission to provide public-safety, promote positive change in beneficiary’s behavior, to reintegrate offenders into society and assist victims of crime.»
    • Volunteers are subject to sanctions for failure to abide by federal laws and state regulations rules and regulations or failure to perform responsibilities following the assignment description or expectations. Being a volunteer is a privilege, and breaking PEP Africa’s volunteer rules can end that privilege.
    • The burden of responsibility for maintaining appropriate boundaries rests squarely on the shoulders of PEP volunteers. It is essential that those engaged in volunteering for PEP Africa respect the individuals they are serving. PEP volunteers must follow the policies and procedures of PEP Africa and act in a manner that is consistent with PEP’s Ten Driving Values while maintaining healthy, professional boundaries and performing their roles with the highest ethical standards.

    We expect that, as a PEP volunteer, you will:

    • Maintain appropriate, professional boundaries to avoid impropriety or any appearance of impropriety.
    • Report violations of policy or suspected breaches of the approach to the appropriate PEP staff member or prison authority.
    • Pre-register (RSVP) for events as requested and show up on time and prepared to participate in events or activities.
    • Contribute to all activities and foster an environment conducive to learning and personal growth.
    • Dress professionally, modestly, and appropriately for all PEP events and functions. This includes refraining from wearing tight-fitting or revealing clothing.
    • Refrain from the use of profane or vulgar language.
    • Refrain from discussions glorifying or accepting the use of illegal drugs or the abuse of alcohol.
    • Maintain Confidentiality: From time to time, volunteers may be privy to and receive information, including intellectual property that is proprietary and confidential, either to PEP Africa or a participant. Volunteers are not to transmit, disclose, use, or reproduce that information in any form.
    • Refrain from giving or receiving any gifts or other items (e.g., money or mail) to or from any participant, except for PEP Africa produced materials or correspondence that meets the following criteria:
    • Volunteers may correspond with beneficiaries. PEP Africa requests that all correspondence passes through our office. Mail should not include or reference:
    • personal information, such as personal photographs, personal relationships, personal finances, home address, etc.
    • Any references that are sexual.
    • Reference to criminal behavior or gang-related information.
    • Concerning another participant, other than a verified family member of the PEP Africa participant who is also incarcerated; or
    • contraband of any type as determined by Federal laws and state regulations.
    • The word «Volunteer» shall be included as part of the return address. PEP Volunteers shall use the address of the organization as they return to any of our addresses closer to your area.
    (English) Volunteer Benefit

    (English) «In PEP Africa, we support the philosophy of learning by doing. The rationale is not to look for what PEP Africa can do for you but to see what you can do for yourself through PEP Africa. Take this opportunity to develop, improve your skills, and communize your life.» PEP Africa is an organization for opportunities. The opportunities are available and so numerous that it could take a lifetime to grasp them all. We invite you to select those which cater to your needs and make the most of them. There are five levels of opportunity within PEP Africa: Individual, Organization, Community, International, and others for total development.


    Can develop your capacity development. It is possible by participating in seminars, workshops organized and conducted by professional trainers, speaking effectively, learning leadership skills, improving your communication abilities, and enhancing your personal development.



    • Gain hands-on work experience that you cannot get in the classroom.
    • Train first-time job seekers and career changers as support staff and give them the knowledge they would need to get a job.
    • Get the work experience you need to secure a job as a vital part of your resume.
    • Make yourself prospective employees after finishing your probation.
    • Test your future career without committing and find out if it is a career that will satisfy you.
    • Connect with people in your field of interest and share resources with people who might help you land a job later.
    • Get the chance to use the skills you have learned in the classroom in a real-world setting. Share and cross-pollinate resources with local, regional, national, and international stakeholders in development with a network of almost 2000 organizations.
    • Enhance your community by conducting projects for sustainable development.
    • Visit institutions, companies, and people to learn about their success stories.
    • Meet with successful leaders, entrepreneurs, speak at monthly meetings and conducting training sessions on how to start up a business or a nonprofit and work in the development sector.
    • Participate in new projects in this area of opportunity.
    • Prove the worth of your qualifications and show that you can perform in the role you have been given. Getting experience and build your confidence.
    • Be more confident in your chances of securing a job—work side by side with PEP Africa’s staff on a vast arena of projects.
    • Gain insight into PEP Africa’s activities and explore possible employment opportunities with its partners.
    • Earn academic credit through your college or university. Obtain recommendations and other clearance letters.


    • Can work with and for your community.
    • Participate in and surveys the needs of community-driven projects.
    • Meet essential people in the community and the public; however, making a significant contribution and impacting lives.
    • Have the Opportunities as a significant beneficiary to the community and have the ideal workshop for putting into practice the skills learned and developed during your individual and academic courses.


    • The opportunities are awe-inspiring; volunteers can understand what is happening in other parts of the world.
    • This area also allows for direct experience with different customs and cultures and helps understand other communities worldwide. It also offers the opportunity to contribute to world peace simply by creating friendships across countries.


    • Other opportunities within PEP Africa not confined to any specific area are exchanging ideas, socializing and networking, working alongside people of different socio-economic and socio-cultural backgrounds. (Serious Fun).
    • PEP Africa offers challenges that make life more meaningful, worthwhile, and personally rewarding. A lot depends on the willingness of the staff to identify and pursue these opportunities.
    (English) Register to Attend an Event

    (English) In-Session

    (English) Welcome to PEP Africa’s RSVP site. You will find all the information you need about upcoming events, what to expect when participating in an event, and much more. Your presence at our events is crucial to the growth and development of our participants. We appreciate that you are willing to take the time to come to participate and share your experience and encourage someone that you might not otherwise cross paths with.

    Thank you for your willingness to serve and for understanding the need to participate. We know that YOU are an essential part of PEP Africa’s success.

    e.g., Events at the Oliver J. Bell Unit
    in Cleveland, Texas
    (near Houston)